
Are you looking for somewhere to live during your studies?

Uplands Nation have 55 accommodations to lease. 20 of these are found in the wing of the Nation house itself. The rest are corridor rooms one block away at Rundelsgränd 6A och 6B, that is shared with Kalmar Nation.

In the housing wing of the Nation house, the two top floors contain corridor rooms with shared kitchens. Shower and toilets are in the separate rooms. On the lower, there are three doublets. At Rundelsgränd 6A, there are 8 doublets. At Rundelsgränd 6B, there are corridor rooms available on the two different floors.


All matters concerning the accommodations are handled by Studentvägen. This applies to signing and ending contracts as well as approval of second hand leasing. For more information you can send an email to [email protected] or call 018-51 85 10.

You apply for accommodations and get more detailed information about how to apply at Nationsgårdarna (

Housing points

Every member of Uplands Nation gets a housing point for each paid semester. Office holders get an extra point per semester after finished tenure.

For more information on how to increase your points:
Regulation for Accomodations