
Every semester, Uplands Nation advertises a number of scholarships. As a member, you are eligble to apply for these. 

Scholarships VT 2024
Scholarship form

Nation Scholarships Spring 2024

Last day of application is April 23rd at 17:00

Application forms are available at the curator’s office during office hours and at

Only one form needs to be submitted even if applying for all scholarships. Applications can be submitted in the green box in the curator’s office, in the mail box or posted to:

Uplands nation
Scholarship Secretaries

S:t Larsgatan 11
753 11 Uppsala

When applying for scholarships, please note the following:

Applicants must be full-time students at Uppsala University or another university or college, depending on what is specified in the requirements. Provide written documentation of any qualifications you want to invoke.

Enter all your study results (credits) and clearly indicate the number of semesters of full time or part time university or college studies, as well as any interruptions in your studies.

The so-called scholarship ceiling, which regulates that a student can not hold smaller scholarships from the University or the nation to an amount exceeding the ceiling, currently SEK 38.000/ year. (Scholarships covering tuition fees for exchange students do not count toward the ceiling.)

Students who have full educational grants for postgraduate studies or an equivalent income (currently SEK 200 000 / year) are not eligible to apply for these scholarships.

Application forms not signed, as well as those that are incomplete, illegible or incorrectly completed will not be processed.

Application forms from those who do not receive scholarships will be destroyed. Submit the bank account to which funds should be paid if you are awarded a scholarship.

Application forms from those who do not receive scholarships will be thrown away.

Submit the bank account to which funds should be paid if you are awarded a scholarship.

If you have questions, please contact the Scholarship Secretaries at [email protected]

Those who receive scholarships will be notified by mail.

The following scholarships are announced for the spring semester 2024.

Selma Appeqvists, 3 years, 3000 SEK
Law student from Uplands nation, born in Uppsala. Diligent and needy. Appointed by the inspector on the proposal of the scholarship board.

Fredrik Laurells, 3 years with right to prolongation 1 or 2 years, 3800 SEK
Student of Uplands nation. A promising and dedicated student who are successfully studying botany. Preference is enjoyed by one who also is descendant of Fredrik Laurell and his wife Sofia, born Rudelius.

Bertha and Idolf Rosengrens, 1 year one payment, 11 000 SEK each
Seven equal scholarships are provided to needy, talented, dedicated male students of theology or of the arts and sciences, preferably known for being God-fearing and for good conduct, studying at Uppsala university and belonging to Uplands nation. Students of philosophy shall have classical languages (Classical Greek or Latin) or history or philosophy as their main subject (at least 60 credits) and students of theology shall have church history (ecclesiology and/or studies in church and mission and/or history of Christianity) or history of religion or biblical exegesis (Bible studies) as their main subject (at least 60 credits). Preference is held by a relative who meets the criterias above. The scholarship can be held by the same person for a maximum of three to five years depending on the results of the studies. If you were granted a Rosengren scholarship fall 2018 that does not prevent you from applying spring 2019

Sandrews, 1 year, 6000 SEK
Member of Uplands nation who in a great deal has made artistic contributions to the nations. Preference is held by those born, raised or since five years are living in the Vendel parish and are successfully pursuing academic studies. The scholarship can be divided between several applicants, but not if any of them as a ”Vendelian” are enjoying preference. The scholarship can be received by the same person a maximum of three times.

Simlins, 3 years, 3400 SEK
Member of Uplands nation. Needy, dedicated and with an aptitude for studies. Must be enrolled at the Faculty of Theology and study to become a priest. All things equal preference is held by relative to the donor, magister Eric Simlin. The scholarship cannot be held after passing a priestly degree.

Willgott Stenholms, 1 year, 2 scolarships of 9000 SEK each
Two scholarships to students belonging to Uplands nation who are successfully studying and through active work at the nation have shown an interest in it. The scholarship can be held by the same person for a maximum of two years.

Jenny och Victor Boods, 1 year one payment, in total 70 000 SEK
One or several scholarships is provided to: Partly needy members of Uplands nation who is studying at Uppsala university or other Swedish institution of higher learning and have shown dedication over at least two semesters. Partly other needy, young, practicing student with connection to Uppsala who has demonstrated results and an interest in his/her studies. Partly also needy young people with qualified practice in trading or crafts. The scholarship can be provided, without application, to a person that the Scholarships Committee finds deserving. The scholarship can be held for a maximum of three years by the same applicant unless there are special circumstances.

Brillioths, 1 year one payment, 5200 SEK
The scholarship is provided to a student, Swedish or foreign, who belongs to Uplands nation. Preference is enjoyed by someone who has shown an interest in curative or other humanitarian activities. The scholarship can only be given to the same person during a maximum time of two years.

Gilljams, 1 year, 2200 SEK
Scholarship provided to a student who is a member of Uplands nation, dedicated and talented. Study Classical Studies, that is at the time of application be able to document that he or she is currently studying Latin, Classical Greek or classical archaeology. The scholarship will be granted only taking into consideration credits and results in these specific subjects. The scholarship can be held for a maximum of four years, with a new application every year.

Ernst and Frida Högmans, 1 year, 6000 SEK
Student of theology belonging to Uplands Nation

Chefredaktör Axel Johanssons, 1 year, 3800 SEK
Scholarship for male student belonging to Uplands nation who is shown to have broad interests and is studying medicine, law or the humanities, though not toponymy or teaching methods. The scholarship is awarded without regard to need.

Hjalmar Kallenbergs, 1 year, 3800 SEK
Member of Uplands Nation. The scholarship can be given without application to someone with economical problems.

Carl Åbergs, 1 year, 3 scholarships of 6600 SEK each
Scolarships provided to students at Uppsala university belonging to Uplands nation. Applicants shall come from a middle-class home in the city of Uppsala. Preference is enjoyed by students without means or who are lacking means. The scholarship can be provided without application. The scholarship can be received by the same person a maximum of three times.

(according to the Landskap of 1947-09-29 § 19”middle-class” shall be interpred as: People who have their own buisness like trading, handcrafts or factory production will be regarded as middle-class.)

Carla-Greta and Eric Modéns, 1 year one payment, in total 70 000 SEK
One or more scholarships are provided after application to a law student at Uppsala university who is a member of Uplands nation. Preference is held by the one who intends to use his/her advanced studies to work within the banking system.

Ahlners, 1 year, 3000 SEK
Scholarship is provided to a student who belongs to Uplands nation and successfully pursues academical studies. The financial needs of the student are not taken into consideration.

Erixons, 3 years, 2 scholarships of SEK 2.000 each, one for student of medicine and one for student of law
Scolarship is provided to a male student of law or medicine belonging to Uplands Nation. The scolarship is given to a law student every second year and a medicine student every other year. After 2010 the scolarship shall be given out as two equal parts.

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